About Webster
Here at Webster, our strategy for you is simple. Each week, we want to provide you with an opportunity to grow in your relationship with Jesus in each of these ways:

…with God. With others. With the body of Christ.

…by being a part of a LifeGroup, Discipleship Class, Bible Study, etc…!

…and serve the kingdom by working in the local body and helping spread the gospel to the community, nation & world!

Our History
Our history is rich. We have been proclaiming the good news about the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ since 1854! We believe the Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of God. Our final authority on all matters for our church is the Holy Scriptures. Our music is passionate! We sing new songs and classic ones alike! We love to encourage people to use their musical gifts to the glory of God. Our preaching is expository. Whether the message is a study through a book of the Bible, or a relevant and urgent topic, it is always our aim to anchor every sermon in the truth of God’s Word. We believe every Christian has a spiritual gift that needs to be used for God. There are almost 100 different ministry opportunities in our ministry brochure. If you want to know the satisfaction and joy of serving the Lord in a meaningful way, we can help you find a place to serve!